
Showing posts from October, 2011

Happy Birthday Kaitlin

Sixteen years ago today at 1:16 am I was awakened by a 7 pound 11 ounce little girl who had decided that it was time to join us and this world has not been the same since.  I would like to take this opportunity to write a letter to that little girl. Dear Kaitlin: I cannot believe that today you are turning 16 years old.  The time since that first day when I held you has flown by at a speed faster than sound.  I am so proud of you and for the beautiful young lady that you have become.  I have watched you grow from a timid 3 year old who screamed and cried when left in Sunday School class to a young  teen who traveled without her family across the globe on a mission trip to Thailand.  I remember your first day of school and your not wanting to let go of my hand and today we are talking about colleges.  I remember you scooting around the house in your Evenflo walker to today watching you back a car out of the driveway. Most everyone who meets you is surprised when you say your age be