Happy Birthday Kaitlin

Sixteen years ago today at 1:16 am I was awakened by a 7 pound 11 ounce little girl who had decided that it was time to join us and this world has not been the same since.  I would like to take this opportunity to write a letter to that little girl.

Dear Kaitlin:

I cannot believe that today you are turning 16 years old.  The time since that first day when I held you has flown by at a speed faster than sound.  I am so proud of you and for the beautiful young lady that you have become.  I have watched you grow from a timid 3 year old who screamed and cried when left in Sunday School class to a young  teen who traveled without her family across the globe on a mission trip to Thailand.  I remember your first day of school and your not wanting to let go of my hand and today we are talking about colleges.  I remember you scooting around the house in your Evenflo walker to today watching you back a car out of the driveway.

Most everyone who meets you is surprised when you say your age because you come across older that your actual years.  You are so wise and mature beyond your 16 years that even I sometimes forget how old you really are. This was so obvious when your dad was going through treatment and his 21 day hospital stay when he was being treated for cancer.  You stepped up and took responsibilities that most adults would not even think to do and you were only 11.  I will always appreciate and respect you for the way you carried yourself during that time – even the times we laid in my bed and hugged and cried when we didn’t know what would happen.  You and Julie were my rock and kept me focused.

I am so proud of the step you have taken spiritually.  You accepted Christ as your personal Savior as a young girl and have not looked back or waived from that decision.  I have loved watching you grow in your walk and witness.  I enjoyed those years of Bible Drill, Vacation Bible School, Choirs and you never complained about all the hours we spent at church preparing for those activities.  This year when you were working with Miss Linda as her VBS assistant and you just knew what needed to be done and did it without being told let me know that it was the right thing to do with you.  I love to watch you with children – the way they are drawn to you and how you love their attention.    I’m sure you wonder why I push you so hard to participate at church by playing your French horn – it’s because I’m so proud of you and I enjoy being part of the music and worship with you.  You have no idea how it makes me feel inside to look to my left on Sunday mornings and see you sitting there playing. 

There are many events, feelings and moments that make motherhood worth every pain, tear, worry and prayer.  My heart swells with love and admiration so often with you that even I am surprised sometimes how much I love being your mom.

Now as you are in your last years of high school life I see you growing in ways that I am not really ready to acknowledge.  I now share you with someone else whom you love.  I hear you talking about various colleges - some which would require you to leave home.  You are going to be going places in your car that I won't always know - even if that is just to the mall.  But for now, let’s enjoy your turning 16 and cherish each day because we know those days are each a gift from God – just like you are.  I love you!


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