We Are Family

Tomorrow I will be leaving for Florida to spend some time with my Mother and attend the memorial service for my Step Father.  Thinking about having to fly for 4 hours then drive for 2 to see my Mother made me think about the way it was before flying was an option.  My girls have some awesome aunts and uncles that they haven't really had an opportunity to get to know because they live scattered across the country.  How different it would be if they could just walk down the road to go to my sister's house or to shoot some baskets with their grandfather.  Instead, they see them maybe every 2 years or longer.

I realize that I am romanticizing how life actually was but, according to history, as children married and moved from the "homeplace" they bought or were given land close to where they grew up so that everyone lived in the same general area.  Except for those who were more adventurous and moved into town or even into the adjoining state.  I have a friend who grew up here in Chandler in an area of town surrounded by big city life except for their properties that make you feel like you are in another world when you visit there.  No noises, no traffic just open area and family.  Before she moved to California (and I'm sure they still do this) each one of the siblings would cook dinner for all of the family, siblings, siblings in law, children and parents would eat together.  The next night, another sibling would do the same.  Those children grew up surrounded by aunts, uncles, grandparents and tons of love.  I know my children are loved by their family both near and far just as I love all my nieces, nephews, grandkids and even children but I wish I KNEW them.  Joe (and I) have a daughter who lives in upstate New York who is married and the mother of two of our grandchildren and I've seen her 4 times in the 20 years we have been together.  I wish that were not so.  I wish that Lilly and Hal spent weekends at our house.  I wish that Kaitlin and Julie and Suzanne could do sister things together.  Instead we cram all kinds of activities into the few times we are together leaving very little time to get to know each other.

Even the children who live here in the Phoenix area have their own lives and families and our times together are usually centered around a meal or a holiday and again, filled with doing things instead of just talking.  When Joe had gone through his first round of chemo and radiation we decided to have all 6 of our children (and families) come here for Thanksgiving.  We had 18 people at our house for 5 days - some stayed longer - and did things like sit around the fire, drink wine and talk and talk and talk.  The kids went to get their hair cut and donate it to Locks of Love, they shopped, they went out on dates, they cooked and just got to know each other.  It was one of the best times I've ever had.  We need to do that again - soon.  We hired a photographer to spend an afternoon with us and take family pictures.  I am sharing on this blog pictures that were taken throughout the week - not the professional ones.

Lilly and Julie

Suzanne, Hal and Erik

Julie, Lilly and Kaitlin

Joe and Melissa

Lilly, Kaitlin, Naomi and Eve



David and Naomi


Melissa, Suzanne, Erik and Stephen

Stephen, Suzanne, Erik, Kaitlin and Melissa

Melissa and Charles


Charles, Vickie and Suzanne

So as I sit her struggling for a way to tie all these ramblings together for a closing with meaning and  I find that all I really want to say is I really miss having family close.


  1. Great post! I do love my family dearly and am so glad that I have gotten to have that close relationship with them. I also understand what you mean when you say that you love them, but would love to know them better as well. I do have family, that I have always loved, but until recently, have not known very well. The more I get to know them, the better I love them.

    Looks like you had a great week!


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