
Showing posts from June, 2012

Driving In Novice

Novice:     A person new to a field or activity; a beginner. When my daughter Julie was very young she would make up words to express herself better than words that already existed.  For example - combound.  She thought this should be a word when you put two things together and as we say - combine.  I have to say I like combound much better.  It just sounds more expressive.  She would also "guess" at what she thought words meant.  One time she asked me what the N was on the driving gears.  I told her Neutral but she insisted on calling it "novice".  We still call it novice. Last week our church hosted a Vacation Bible School for 3 year olds thru 6th grade.  I was the director (although I had many many many volunteers who made this event happen) and my job most of that week was to put out fires, organize late registrants and keep the schedule flowing.  Most of those activities require pretty quick brain action and reaction.  While VBS ran smoother than even I

I Am A Writer

Yesterday my friend Lynne (who really is a writer - ) posted that even in her business of the next few weeks she was going to participate in a 15 day writing challenge.  My first thought "wow, I wish I could find time to do that".  My second thought "I am going to join her and we can be accountable to each other in our businesses".  So that is what I am going to do over the next 15 days but I'm really wanting to push myself to do something for "myself". Today's challenge is  Declare you’re a writer.   Wow, I have to actually say that out loud in front of all of you?  OK.  I'm a writer.  I do love to write and to share and to express myself.  I cannot tell you how many times starting as a teenager I would write things down either a list, a play a funny thing that had happened.  I remember as a child of I think 7, I sent a letter to the Editor of my local small town newspaper on some federal holiday because the cour