
Showing posts from September, 2013

Yes...I Said Hate

hate hāt/ verb 1 . feel intense or passionate dislike for (someone, something). "the boys hate each other" synonyms: loathe ,  detest ,  despise ,  dislike ,  abhor ,  execrate ; Yes, I know that hate is not an acceptable word especially in the Christian community but I hate cancer.  I hate the feelings it generates both with the patient and those around them.  Being involved with the American Cancer Society and Relay for Life I have learned a new term "caregiver".  A caregiver is anyone who helped to take care of someone with cancer.  It is usually a family member or close friend but today I am looking at the caregiver in terms of a spouse - me.   In my role of helping to take care of Joe over the past years and now with his third go round with this enemy cancer - in my mind, heart and soul - I am his wife.  In sickness and in health.  In good times and in bad.  I really don't like that whole caregiver concept because I am not doing