
Showing posts from 2014

This is How I Feel

I have had such an  extreme outpouring of love and support in the three months since Joe died that I could never thank you enough.  I love it when you talk about Joe.  I need to know that you miss him too.  He was a very "large" presence and his loss is even bigger.  I am a Christian and I do believe in Heaven and I know that Joe is in a much better place and that he is free from all pain and disease.  I also know that I will see him again and this faith keeps me going forward. I've had many people say to me "I can't imagine how you feel".  No, you can't, but I will try to describe it using words which are just words - not feelings - so it's still no where close to the real emotion. I feel that I can never fully catch my breath.  I am always anticipating, waiting, anxious. My heart feel like it's beating a thousand beats a minute. My heart aches - physically aches.  It's not a pain but more like a very bad bruise.  It rarely stops. M

In The Presence of Jehovah

In The Presence of Jehovah - Lori Eckert    <-------Click Here Verse 1 In and out of situations That tug-a-war at me All day long I struggle For answers that I need Then I come into His presence All my questions become clear And for a sacred moment No doubt can interfere In the presence of Jehovah God Almighty Prince of Peace Troubles vanish hearts are mended In the presence of the King Verse 2 Through His love the Lord provided A place for us to rest A place to find the answers In hours of distress There is never any reason To give up in despair Just slip away and breathe His name He will surely meet you there Several years ago one of my dearest friends and I came to a very painful spot in our lives that ended with harsh words and hurt feelings.    I found myself in between  two friends and instead of taking the high road I chose the easier way and it cost me dearly.   Unfortunately, while that friendship has been repaired, it will never be like it was before.   At church that

My Rambling Thoughts: The History of Cancer in Joe Keresty

My Rambling Thoughts: The History of Cancer in Joe Keresty : I've been asked by several people for more information about my husband Joe.  Many people in our lives  have been there since forever.  ...

The History of Cancer in Joe Keresty

I've been asked by several people for more information about my husband Joe.  Many people in our lives  have been there since forever.  Others we have met in real life and thru electronic media along the way. Those who lived these experiences with us - thank you.  Those who have joined us along the way - thank you.  Our support network is incredible in so many ways. In August 2006 Joe was diagnosed with Stage IV Throat and Neck cancer.  This started from a tumor at the base of his tongue that was never diagnosed or treated until it metastasized into his lymph nodes in his neck and the swelling became visible.  Well, not to us but to a family member who had not seen him in a few years.  Initial diagnosis from a ENT - you will be dead by the end of the month.  OK - his exact words when Joe said he had to go back to work for an important meeting 10 days after diagnosis and before starting treatment "You might have a  week but you don't have a month".  Feel free to inte