
Showing posts from November, 2014

This is How I Feel

I have had such an  extreme outpouring of love and support in the three months since Joe died that I could never thank you enough.  I love it when you talk about Joe.  I need to know that you miss him too.  He was a very "large" presence and his loss is even bigger.  I am a Christian and I do believe in Heaven and I know that Joe is in a much better place and that he is free from all pain and disease.  I also know that I will see him again and this faith keeps me going forward. I've had many people say to me "I can't imagine how you feel".  No, you can't, but I will try to describe it using words which are just words - not feelings - so it's still no where close to the real emotion. I feel that I can never fully catch my breath.  I am always anticipating, waiting, anxious. My heart feel like it's beating a thousand beats a minute. My heart aches - physically aches.  It's not a pain but more like a very bad bruise.  It rarely stops. M