
Showing posts from March, 2015

Starting Over - or as I call it - Bringing Life back to my Living

This week I heard the words The  Lord  God said, “It is not good for the  man  to be  alone . I will make a helper suitable for him.”             Genesis 2:18 I heard this as I was joined hand to hand with my future husband.   Future being moments away.  As we stood looking at each other with an excitement level higher than I've not know for way too long, Pastor Hartke reminded us both that we had been through a year that has been less than kind to us.  Marriage - a new start, a new life, a new family, a new me!  Our new marriage does not remove memories, both good and bad.  Our new marriage does not erase all the pain, sorrow and loss that these two  families have experienced over the years, especially this past year.  Our new marriage does not erase all the joys, blessings and happiness these two families have experienced over the years.   What we will do is daily, do our best to bring all of these memories, feelings and emotions into a new mixture of people.  A mixture