Starting Over - or as I call it - Bringing Life back to my Living

This week I heard the words

The Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.”            Genesis 2:18

I heard this as I was joined hand to hand with my future husband.  Future being moments away.  As we stood looking at each other with an excitement level higher than I've not know for way too long, Pastor Hartke reminded us both that we had been through a year that has been less than kind to us.  Marriage - a new start, a new life, a new family, a new me!  Our new marriage does not remove memories, both good and bad.  Our new marriage does not erase all the pain, sorrow and loss that these two families have experienced over the years, especially this past year.  Our new marriage does not erase all the joys, blessings and happiness these two families have experienced over the years.  

What we will do is daily, do our best to bring all of these memories, feelings and emotions into a new mixture of people.  A mixture of people, who through social media, have already began building a relationship, friendship, even family.  We know that this will not be an easy task and there will be times that must be handled "with kid gloves" and even sometimes just stepping back and the situation work out on it's own.  We, as parents, can't fix everything!  Fortunately for us, we have 43 years of history that should help us make this transition a little easier but even with this lifetime of relationship we have only been married to each other for 3 days.  We are newlyweds!  When we applied for our marriage license the person processing our application mentioned something about how long we'd been dating or been engaged and I told her "He asked me to marry him 39 years ago but we're just now getting around to it".  

My blog will be changing in it's focus because of all this newness in my life.  I plan on writing about the things that happen in our lives now with all these 9 children, 13 grandchildren, children in law, dogs, cats, and whatever other pets enter the family - trying to maintain a relationship with all of these people from Arizona to Ohio and points in between.  I plan on sharing things that my new husband, from now on known as Mark, and I do - both struggles and blessings, funny things and serious things.  And as always, my rambling thoughts.

Oh and, another thing, we ARE still having a wedding followed by an awesome party in Ohio in July!


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