10 Years ago Today

In June of 2006 our family (Joe, Kaitlin, Julie and myself) spent some time in Seattle before boarding an Alaskan cruise and while there we visited with Joe’s sister in law, Mary, who is a nurse. Driving around with Mary sitting behind him she noticed a lump on the side of his neck and questioned what it was.  She was insistent that he see a doctor soon if not now.  We promised her that he would go as soon as he got home.  We had not been aware of any lump so we were surprised because when she pointed it out it was quite obvious but when you see someone every day you don’t see the subtle changes.  We enjoyed our cruise but looking back at pictures I can see the worry in Joe’s face. 

Once back home Joe went back to work and I made his doctor’s appointments to follow up just like we promised.  I hate to admit this but we didn’t have a doctor.  We were just never sick and if we were we would go to a local urgent care so first step was with urgent care.  They examined him and sent him away saying he really needed to be seen by an ear, nose and throat doctor.  Using my normal method of picking a doctor – whoever was closest to our house – I choose a doctor, made an appointment for Joe on the following Monday, July 24, 2006.  Ten years ago today.

Ten years ago today the life our family knew ended and a new one began with a new family member. An unwelcome part of our lives came in the door and would remain there for the next 8 years.  Eight years of ups and downs, good times, bad times, good health, bad health.  Eight years of fighting, learning, growing, crying, praying, loving and living.  Lots of living.

Ten years ago today my husband walked in the house after a doctor’s appointment and announced “the doctor thinks I have cancer”. 


In honor of Joseph Keresty and the battle he fought for his life, I am going to share over the next 30 days stories about those times in our families lives.  Many of you were part of those years and many of you came into our story somewhere in the middle and many of you have become my friend after his death.  Some of the memories will make you laugh and some will make you cry.  Some will make you wonder why in the world he never gave up.  


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