
Showing posts from October, 2016

I Raise My Glass

TOAST:  A ritual in which a drink is taken as an expression of honor or goodwill . Twenty-One years ago today my world changed in a way that I never thought it could.  I was handed this beautiful living creature with a "there ya go" from the nurse.  All of a sudden I was responsible for the feeding, care and education of this tiny life that was totally unable to take care of itself.  How in the world would I ever be able to do this?  I can't even keep a house plant alive more than a week.  What did I get myself into?  We learned together how to do this living thing.  I did the very best that I knew how along with her father to make sure we didn't totally screw up this huge responsibility and you know what - we did a pretty good job.   I think I learned more than I taught and I definitely grew as a person from the lessons we learned together.  On this, her 21st birthday I want to lift my virtual glass to my first born in her honor for the lessons I learned. I