Because I Said So

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"Because I Said So! 

When I became a parent I swore that I would never say those words.  I would reason with my child and explain why.  Parenthood in theory is an entirely different experience than reality.  When your children are very young usually a simple "because Mommy said no" is sufficient enough of an answer UNLESS you've been blessed with children who leave the womb thinking they know best.  Then sometimes reasoning is the answer.  I used to deal with my youngest and her defiant attitude by structuring my words so that SHE thought it was her idea.  That lasted until she was probably 8 and figured out my strategy.   

As my children became young teens I found myself temped to say "Because I Said So" but I knew that would fall on deaf ears.  I did find on a few occasions saying "you are just going to have to trust me.  Sometimes I just know because I'm older and I've lived through what you're going through".  I never abused that and it was usually accepted and when it wasn't, lessons were learned. 

Let's Chat!  Parents, children, people with thoughts - how do you tell your children "no" - even the adult ones?


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