
Showing posts from September, 2018


When I was in high school I was accused by one of the school administrators of doing something that I did not do and the punishment was before school detention.  No matter how much I argued my innocence he would not budge HOWEVER - he did offer me an alternative to the detention.  How to put this - he told me that if I would sexually satisfy him he would ignore the (non)infraction.  I replied that I would just take the punishment which amounted to sitting in HIS office for 45 minutes before school started.  I don't know if it was entered into my school record or not - I never heard anything more about it.  I served my time and never encountered him again. Years later on Facebook on a group page someone mentioned this person abusing them in high school  The amount of comments of "me too" that followed was overwhelming.  More and more information came out about this person and the faculty that helped him by standing guard while he took girls into a closet and a