How We Were Almost Arrested in France


10 years ago, today, the Keresty Family was finishing their incredible 3-week European vacation.  Even with  experiencing record lows and unheard-of snow accumulation it had been a trip beyond description.  We were ready to come home and driving toward Paris to catch a flight in 2 days.  Zipping along in the rental Audi (for those of you who read my posts, that Audi word is important) and singing The Yodeling Veterinarian of the Alps Song by VeggieTales.  How could you NOT be singing that – I mean – the Alps are RIGHT THERE!  We were about an hour away from our stop for the night, Belfort, France when there was a POP and immediately Kaitlin said I smell smoke.  I pulled over as soon as I could and sure enough, blown out tire.

 I need to mention here that when we were planning this trip, Joe and I agreed to divide the driving since we did 7 countries in 3 weeks and while countries are like states here, that is a bit of driving.  However, for reasons known only to Joe, he was terrified of driving on this trip.  He had just had his lung removed a few months before and then the follow up surgery to repair the rip so I’m not sure he was afraid something would “tear” or what but I ended up doing all the driving and I was getting tired.

Joe got out to remove the spare from the trunk that was full to the brim with suitcases for 4 people.  Meanwhile, cars were zipping by, ignoring us except to blow their horns – continuously.  Not a person stopped until a service truck pulled up behind us and in broken English/German explained that we could not stop on the highway for any reason.  We tried to call Avis for assistance and it would be hours before anyone could be there.  At this time, we are about 5 hours from Paris and 1 hour from our stop and it’s late afternoon and the sun is going down.  Joe is frantically trying to remove the flat tire but the lug nuts require a special tool and we cannot locate it anywhere. Not only are we being serenaded by the blaring horns, we now have a police car with flashing lights behind us.  The officers get out of the car and explain that we cannot be stopped here but there is a rest area several yards down the road where we need to drive to and park there.  Joe had already removed the spare tire so Kaitlin ends up holding that on her lap in the back seat while we pile the suitcases back in the trunk.  I hobble drive the car along the side of the road to the exit and during that extremely long escorted drive, Joe found the lug nut tool in the glove box.

We arrived at the rest stop and get out to change the tire and, guess what?  The loosened lug nuts had all flown off the flat tire while I was driving it to the rest area.  Kaitlin and I walk back along the highway looking for the nuts and ANOTHER POLICE CAR SHOWS UP to tell us that we cannot be walking there.  I explain what we were doing and reached in my pocket to pull out the lug nuts to support my story.  I am lucky they didn’t think I was reaching for a weapon and shoot me!  While they were telling us we couldn’t be there, Kaitlin found the last nut so we quickly went back to the car where Joe had removed the flat and replaced it with the spare donut tire and was waiting for the nuts.  The whole time the police were standing there just watching him and now we needed to get rid of the ripped up, blown out flat tire but there were no trash receptacles….anywhere.  Unfortunately, Kaitlin ended up holding that tire while we continued out drive to Belfort to our reservation.  Looking back at this frustrating situation, I think we realize this could have been much much worse than it was.

We check into our rooms at the hotel where I had guaranteed 2 connecting rooms only to find out – there were no connecting rooms left.  The girls were 17 and 15 and plenty responsible enough to not have to be right next to us but to me, that was just one more straw on my camels back.  The girls were settling in and Joe and I went to the French Discount Tire to buy a new tire and I while we were waiting for them to install it, I had a total emotional breakdown – sitting in the waiting area just sobbing in Joe’s arms.  At one point I swear he chuckled at me but would never admit that.  It was just too much and man, I wanted to go HOME

We end up back at the hotel around 8 or so and are starving.  Julie had already showered and was in bed and asked us to bring her something back but she was done for the day.  We found the most adorable little restaurant where absolutely no one spoke a word of English.  I don’t remember how but we ordered the special of the day and it was by far the best meal I’ve ever had and it is pictured here.  Ended up getting Julie some sushi on the walk back and started the day the next morning more than ready to get to Paris where we had rooms at the airport Marriott – one day closer to home.


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