6 Years Ago Today
As we are finishing up preparations for tomorrow's surgery I couldn't help but remember 6 years ago when Joe was preparing to leave the hospital after a 21 day stay. Most of those days we were not sure he would ever leave. It was not a good time but in the end the chemo did it's work and killed all of those cancer cells. Well, at least for 6 years. Fast forward - the family flu turned out to be anything but that and came out of nowhere and totally blindsided us. Back then, as now, I try to communicate with family and friends so that they know what is going on with Joe. Those 21 days in 2007 I emailed daily - sometimes more than once a day. Those emails were a release of my fears, my thoughts, my unspoken words. I know that we could not have gotten through this experience in 2006 - 2007 nor this time since August without our friends and family. You have been there for us with prayers, love, meals, visits, cards, flowers, taxi service, hug...