If I Can Do It - So Can You
When I was a newborn, I ended up with a pillow over my face. It required a visit to the hospital where I was pronounced dead but a persistent doctor continued to work on me and, thankfully, I took that breathe that allowed me to live. I was 10 days old when this happened and I am still traumatized by anything over my face. I realize that at 10 days I had no concept of what was happening to me or even any memory but my subconscious knows. Sixty some years later, that haunt is still very active. I have tried many times over the years to test this but every time I become panicked and remove whatever I was experimenting with. Blankets, pillows, sheet, you name it - it totally freaks me out. I have trouble concentrating, breathing and fighting off the overwhelming need to free myself. The first time I went out during this pandemic was over 2 months after I started working from home and I wore a mask. Did I feel anxious - oh yeah. T...