
Showing posts from 2018


When I was in high school I was accused by one of the school administrators of doing something that I did not do and the punishment was before school detention.  No matter how much I argued my innocence he would not budge HOWEVER - he did offer me an alternative to the detention.  How to put this - he told me that if I would sexually satisfy him he would ignore the (non)infraction.  I replied that I would just take the punishment which amounted to sitting in HIS office for 45 minutes before school started.  I don't know if it was entered into my school record or not - I never heard anything more about it.  I served my time and never encountered him again. Years later on Facebook on a group page someone mentioned this person abusing them in high school  The amount of comments of "me too" that followed was overwhelming.  More and more information came out about this person and the faculty that helped him by standing guard while he took girls into a closet and a

Blood Doesn't Make a Family

In 1997 my doorbell rang and when I opened the door, my world changed.  An older couple had moved into a house on our street and they were walking around meeting the neighbors.  They told us that they moved into a new home area because they wanted to be around young people with families. I invited them in and within minutes I knew they were an answer to prayer. My grandmother/mother had passed away the year before and I was missing that relationship.  One of the first things Georgia (that was her name) did was invite us to church.  We were already attending a church but we were looking for something else so we went with them one Sunday and instantly knew this was where we belonged BUT that's another story.  Georgia's husband, Bob, was just as genuine and loving as she and they quickly become part of our family.  We had meals together, we did family outings together, they became my girls grandparents.  For the next 4 years we were family. I remember at a mother daughter t

My Rambling Thoughts: The Greatest Gift

My Rambling Thoughts: The Greatest Gift : I have received the greatest gift.  At least the greatest gift according the Hubert H. Humphrey.  I believe that friends presence comes an...

The Greatest Gift

I have received the greatest gift.  At least the greatest gift according the Hubert H. Humphrey.  I believe that friends presence comes and goes in your life but that friendship stays forever.  I have friends that I don't see for several years and we pick up right where we left off.  I have friends that I haven't seen or talked to for a long time and I really, really miss them.

This Is Us is REALLY us!

Last night's episode of " This Is Us ", in my opinion, was one of the best things I have ever seen on television.  Anyone who thinks children (whatever age they are) do not think they are the favorite or that another sibling is the favorite is 100% wrong. When Joe was in the hospital before he passed away, our oldest son, who at the time lived in Alaska, flew down to be with his dad.  I will never forget the moment when we were all in the room with Joe, and Charles walked in. The look on Joe's face when he saw Charles and lifted his arms toward him.  Charles laid his head down on Joe's chest and they both cried and hugged and Joe said "my son".  It was in that instant that we all knew who was the favorite.  The love between those two was so huge and intense that there was no question.  The other kids, almost in unison, said ahhhhh, Charles is the favorite.  No hard feelings.  No anger.  No jealousy. Where I think the show failed last night was when R


I am sitting here this morning numb.  I am numb with fear off an enemy I know way too well.  An enemy I never wanted to see again.  An enemy that seems to come after Joe with an anger and vengeance. I find it almost impossible that I am writing words exactly the same as almost a year to the date. I am numb.