The Final Chapter

This chapter in the Story of Cancer for Joe Keresty is no doubt the hardest to write. Not because of the end - but because, if I were honest, I knew it was coming for several months but I refused to accept it. After Joe had the severe reactions to the Cisplatin part of his chemo cocktail as far back as April the changes were there. He was a little more tired. He was loosing a pound here and there. He wasn't eating. He coughed - a lot. He was much more out of breath. The cancer was winning but we chose to see this all as side affects from the chemotherapy. AND - they very could have been but as they say "hindsight is 20/20. Joe very rarely let anyone see him down or hear him say how tired he was. He never complained. He did wait until we were alone at night in the quietness and privacy of our bedroom. The he would tell me how tired he was. How his chest hurt so badly when he coughed. How he was ready for this to be over and done with. But he still never co...