In 2013 the American Cancer Society did not grant any Hero of Hope awards because they were restructuring the process. Heroes of Hope are
survivors who show an outstanding commitment to the fight against cancer
and represent Relay For Life and the American Cancer Society publicly
for a period of at least one year. They are selected for their ability
to inspire hope and their courage and determination to fight back
against cancer. Had they not been doing restructure Joe would have received his Hero of Hope that year.
In 2015 Joe was named a Hero of Hope. "He worked behind the scenes in that
quiet, unassuming way of his. Relay was in his heart while he fought
cancer 4 times. His attendance at the Chandler Relay for Life kickoff
in 2012, just a few days after lung surgery, was an inspiration to all
of us. It showed us his commitment to relay. That commitment was
instrumental in the Chandler Relay for Life achieving mega status in
each of the past 3 years. We continue the fight against cancer in his
memory, with the goal that no one will ever lose another birthday to
that dreadful disease. It is with great pleasure that we announce the
2015 Hero of Hope, and his immediate elevation to Star of Hope, in
memory of Joe Keresty." Mike Perry former Chandler Relay for Life Event Lead
Joe loved Relay for Life. He loved what it stood for. We met so many people during relay, many of whom became good friends. Joe wore his purple t-shirts with pride and honor. It takes a fighter and a fighter's strength to wear that shirt and Joe and his fellow survivors know too well how much was sacrificed.
As sick as Joe was he and Alan Zaben put together for the 3rd year the application for the All American Relay distinction and, of course, Chandler Relay received the nod. We were also asked to be the Grand Marshalls at the 2015 Relay for Life which we we were proud to accept. Below is the speech that was given by Mike Perry, former Chandler Relay for Life Event Lead.
"While we’re talking about heroes, hope and inspiration, I would like to
say a few words in memory of Joe Keresty. Those of you who have been at
Kickoff for a few years will remember that Joe had filed applications
on behalf of the Chandler Relay for the ACS All American Award in two
previous years. During Joe’s battles with different cancers he stilled
managed to file our All American Award applications. Those that knew
Joe knew he would do everything in his power to make it
to our Kickoff Celebration to accept the All American Award. This
year, once again, Joe submitted an application for our third consecutive
All American Award, but as life would have it, the toll of fighting
cancer again and the havoc wrecked on his body from surviving four
different cancers was just too much for his heart and let me tell you
Joe had a big heart. On August 22nd 2014 a bright a brilliant star went
dark. Few of us will have the greatness to change history, but Joe’s
acts of courage gave hope to thousands of cancer survivors. We didn’t
find a cure in time for Joe but thanks to Joe and Relayers across the
world we will change history. It is my honor to ask the Keresty family
to come forward to accept on behalf of the Chandler Relay and in honor
of Joe our third consecutive All American Award. Thank you Joe!" - Mike Perry

At the opening ceremonies of the 2015 Relay Joe's Star of hope was presented with these words:

of us has our heroes and stars this evening, people who have inspired
us as they have fought against cancer. Later in the luminaria ceremony
we will each take time to honor and remember those we love and those we
have loved and lost. Chandler is fortunate to have three of its
Leadership Team be named Heroes of Hope for the American Cancer Society.
Two years ago our own Alan Zaben was named a Hero of Hope. This year I
was named a Hero of Hope along with Joe Keresty. Joe beat cancer three
times but the fourth time his heart couldn’t keep up with the pneumonia
in his remaining lung. Joe was a shining star that had a brilliance
that many of us strive to achieve. Joe’s star burned out last August and
he was immediately elevated to a Star of Hope and will be remembered by
all of his fellow Relay for Life committee members. The Relay for Life
Leadership Team tonight honors Joe Keresty for his personal
contribution in the past for making Chandler Relay for Life a success.
Accepting the Star of Hope award will be Kathy Keresty English and the Keresty Family." Mike Perry, Chandler Relay for Life Event Lead

2014 Chandler Relay for Life - Team LIFE
2013 Chandler Relay for Life Leadership
both look like you are walking away from like killing 32,000 insurgent
troops without a scratch. "I'm a boss ass bitch" style." Kaitlin Keresty
"We go on – Joe, Me and all other cancer survivors – day after day, we
accept what we are experiencing, we accept that we have cancer and our
lives have changed and we will be taking medications and getting chemo,
or radiation or surgery or all of them and having pictures taken of our
insides and all that goes with being diagnosed with cancer. And we try
to not let it affect us, too much." Alan Zaben
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