10 Years Ago

Like many Americans, I once again find myself attached to the television watching news and documentaries about the attack on America 10 years ago.  There are few things in my life that have happened that I can remember exactly what I was doing and this is one of those times.  Living in Arizona and 3 hours earlier than the east coast, I was still sleeping until the phone rang.  I woke, looked at the Caller ID and saw that it was our daughter Suzanne.  Suzanne has a bit of a challenge with time zones so I was ready to remind her what time it was here but when I hit the talk button - I heard crying.  I immediately turned on the television and sat in my bed in unbelief at what I was watching.  I am sitting here watching a documentary right now on Flight 93 - still in unbelief at what I am watching.

So much in life changed that day.  The terrorists may not have carried out their plans the way they wanted but they have changed life the way we all knew it.  I resent their evil plan because 1.) my children will never again be able to meet their father at the airport gate when he departs the plane.  2.) I resent the fact that my heart quickens just a little bit every time I fly and I see a person of middle eastern heritage get on the plane.  Don't be hating me for that statement - I don't like feeling that way, but if most of us were honest, I am not alone in that feeling.  3.) I resent that the aftermath of those attacks affected our national economy in a way that we have never recovered from.  4.) I resent the fact that I have lost countless bottles of contact solution, make up remover and deodorant because they contained more than the permitted fluid ounce weight - even though they fit in a quart size baggie.  5.) I resent the fact that we are constantly reminded that someone violently attacked us every time we travel.



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