Respect - What's It All About

Respect denotes both a positive feeling of esteem for a person or other entity  and also specific actions and conduct representative of that esteem.

Those of you at the Basha vs Chandler football game last night saw a perfect example of what respect is NOT.

Basha Band and Band Boosters - you were super last night.  The meal was a wonderful welcome and the homemade cookies, well, let's just say, my diet suffered a bit.  The band kids - super nice and polite and our Chandler band kids were made to feel welcome.

However, the student section in the stands exhibited the worse case of respect, maturity and politeness that I have ever seen.  When our band took the field they student section stood and yelled "Chandler Sucks".  What a nice thing that was to do to a fellow Chandler school.  It was so great of you to make the band feel good about performing for you.  When the Chandler band played the Star Spangled Banner, student section, yelled the words, off time and off key with the intent to make the band mess up!  How nice of you - but your plan failed.  They played perfectly despite your efforts.  Basha students - shame on you!

For those of you saying - "well, that's just kids"  SHAME ON YOU!  People are complaining how rude teenagers are today and because of the actions of a few, all get that reputation.  Shame on you parents for not teaching your children about respect for others.  Shame on you teachers and leaders for not teaching your student body about respect for others.  

On the flip side, when the Basha band played, our band stood for their performance.  Not a word was said against them by the Chandler student body - why - because our kids are taught to act classy!  It is not polite or even nice to treat others like our kids were treated last night.

Chandler parents - write a letter, email or make a phone call today to express your disapproval of last night's behavior of the Basha High School student section.  


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