
Showing posts from December, 2011

Everything Changes

Time Marches On   <----Click Me Today, well tomorrow actually, my life will make some changes once again.  9 months ago I accepted a part time job at my church and while I LOVE working there I just don't feel it's where God wants me right now.  It was not without much prayer, thought and discussion with my husband that I came to this decision.  Some of the things that helped me come to this: 1.  The look on Kaitlin's face when I said "I can't pick you up today after school.  Can you get a ride".  While I'm sure it was no big hardship for her boyfriend to bring her home, it wasn't her mommy.  I have always enjoyed taking my daughters to and from school.  That's quality time for us to talk without any disruptions. 2.  Saying to Julie "call me when you get home and are in the house".  Why should she call me.  I should be there!  Not that I think she minded, but I did.  That's not what I saw for my children - coming home to an em

Linus Shares it The Best

Does Any One Know What Christmas is All About   <----Click Me I say Merry Christmas.  I do not apologize for saying Merry Christmas. If someone celebrates another holiday at this time of year or simply does not believe in the holiday at all, that is well within their rights and privileges.  However, I do celebrate Christmas as the holiday to recognize the birth of  Jesus.  Why is it that people who tend to not follow the main stream, conventional ideals of a holiday or tradition are the ones who think change needs to be made.  Why can we not all celebrate and believe what we choose?  America is the land of the free and we should ALL be free to feel how we wish and be "allowed" to express that how we want.  Many people are obvious in their beliefs by their dress and appearance.  Other than the few radicals I hear no complaining about that.  Why should my simple statement "Merry Christmas" be viewed as prejudicial, racist  and offensive? It is my Christmas wi

All I Want For Christmas is You

All I Want for Christmas Is You I've shared this story so many times.....When I was pregnant with Julie I was on bed rest due to some complications.  I spent some time on the computer in the AOL All My Children chat room.  I met so many friends in that chat, many of whom I still am friends with.  At that time you could play songs and sound clips while you were chatting.  My friends would play this for me every day for Julie.  Still today, every time I hear this song I am reminded of that time of waiting for my child to be born. I wonder if Mary had a special memory of her time of being pregnant.  Do you think she would say "Jesus, I went through 12 hours of labor with you and you just run off to the temple"!  Sometimes it's easy to forget that even though she gave birth to the promised Son of God she was still a woman and went through the same trials, pains, cravings and fears that we did. As we prepare for this holiday season let us remember a special song that

25 Christmas Carols and Thoughts

Day #1 The Greatest Gift of All   <-----  (CLICK ME) Today the local news stories are about someone stealing $20,000 worth of toys from St. Joseph's medical center.  These toys had been collected especially for the children who would be spending time in the hospital during Christmas.  The local news stations are putting on a toy drives to help replace these items and I applaud them for taking this on.  The general population always comes through in situations like this and I feel this gives us an opportunity to show our genuine giving, loving nature. I like to think that everyone takes a little time during this festive season to stop and think about others.  Not everyone acts out in an unacceptable way - like we've heard about over and over during Black Friday shopping.  Something tugs at our hearts during Christmas and no matter what our beliefs we realize there are people who are not as blessed as we.  We don't judge.  We don't lecture.  We just love others.