Linus Shares it The Best

Does Any One Know What Christmas is All About  <----Click Me

I say Merry Christmas.  I do not apologize for saying Merry Christmas.

If someone celebrates another holiday at this time of year or simply does not believe in the holiday at all, that is well within their rights and privileges.  However, I do celebrate Christmas as the holiday to recognize the birth of  Jesus.  Why is it that people who tend to not follow the main stream, conventional ideals of a holiday or tradition are the ones who think change needs to be made.  Why can we not all celebrate and believe what we choose?  America is the land of the free and we should ALL be free to feel how we wish and be "allowed" to express that how we want.  Many people are obvious in their beliefs by their dress and appearance.  Other than the few radicals I hear no complaining about that.  Why should my simple statement "Merry Christmas" be viewed as prejudicial, racist  and offensive?

It is my Christmas wish that we just all get along.  That phrase has been used and overused since Rodney King uttered them during the Los Angeles riots but it speaks so much.  Why CAN'T we all just get along.  Why do some of the smallest things seem to cause so much strife between people?  Why are we so intolerant to each other's differences.   Please, feel free to believe what you wish.  Please feel free to worship what you wish.  Please feel free to respect others for this freedom.

I will continue to say Merry Christmas.


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