A Boy and His Doggie.

In 2007 when Joe first went into ICU he was fighting an infection that the doctors just could not find. They ran tests on his blood that I didn't even know were tests.  Talking to the doctor one day he explained to me that they had found dog saliva in Joe's blood.  Seriously?  Dog saliva?  My first question, do we have to get rid of the dog?  They explained that it was normal with people who had pets because they do lick our skin.  That was not what was making him so sick.  Sigh of relief.

Four months later we are at the mall and Joe steps outside because he feels cold.  I get a call on my phone from him and when I answer it it's not him.  It's some guy who says my husband just passed out and is asking for me.  I tore across the mall the find him lying on the sidewalk.  A 911 call and a trip to the hospital reveals that Joe has Valley Fever.  He gets meds for it and life goes on.  Dr H explains that it's not that unusual for people living here in "the valley" to contract this because it's a spore and it's in the wind and dust.  

Later that summer the dog, Chuck, is acting like he doesn't feel good.  Let me mention at this point that Chuck is a cocker/spring mix and i'm convinced that mixture creates a part kangaroo dog creature. He jumps on everyone - especially back then because he was so young.  When Joe was first diagnosed Chuck would lay right beside him, never jumped on him and simply put his paw on Joe's leg.  He never left his side when he was home.  We take Chuck to the vet to see what might be wrong.  The diagnosis, wait for it, Valley Fever.  I started laughing hysterically and the vet looked at me like I was a crazy woman.  I tried to explain that Joe's blood work - dog saliva - he has valley fever - Chuck get valley fever.  They even shared medicine for the Valley Fever for a period of time.  Talk about man's best friend.  Not sure that vet ever saw the humor.

It is no secret that Chuck loved Joe.  After his memorial service I brought home the pictures that we had had at the church and they sat on the floor just like this for several days.  Every day Chuck would lie just where he is in this picture.  I've heard it say that some breeds of dogs can "smell" cancer in people.  Joe and I used to talk about that and wonder if Chuck knew.  If you knew Chuck - you know how he loves people.  He's the oldest puppy I've ever met but around Joe he was as gentle as a mother is with a baby.  I think he knew.


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